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 Error code meanings

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Posts : 9
Join date : 2012-09-04

Error code meanings Empty
PostSubject: Error code meanings   Error code meanings I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 04, 2012 10:54 pm

After inputting your PIC for your character and you disconnect back into the Login Screen with a Error Pop-up that states;
You Have Been Disconnected From The Login Server.
Unable To Connect To Login Server.

This means two things.
1) You need to disable your loopback.

2) The server is lagging. So you need to wait for a server restart.

If you disconnect from the client that states;
You have been disconnected from the server. Try again later.

This usually means your internet cut off and you lost connection to the server.

If you're running iTunes or Skype, or preferably anything that puts a heavy load on your computer, it's blocking you from the game.

Error Code : -2147467261 (Invalid Pointer)

This usually means you were disconnected by someone. Other reasons are possible, but unknown to my knowledge.

Error Code : -2147287038 (Unknown error 0x80030002)

Unfortunately, it means your files are corrupted and you will have to re-download all the latest version parts.

If your client freezes after PIC and stays frozen, it means the map you're trying to log into has crashed, so you'll need to wait for the map to be reloaded or a server restart.

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Posts : 39
Join date : 2012-09-04

Error code meanings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Error code meanings   Error code meanings I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 04, 2012 11:04 pm

Prodigy wrote:
After inputting your PIC for your character and you disconnect back into the Login Screen with a Error Pop-up that states;
You Have Been Disconnected From The Login Server.
Unable To Connect To Login Server.

This means two things.
1) You need to disable your loopback.

2) The server is lagging. So you need to wait for a server restart.

If you disconnect from the client that states;
You have been disconnected from the server. Try again later.

This usually means your internet cut off and you lost connection to the server.

If you're running iTunes or Skype, or preferably anything that puts a heavy load on your computer, it's blocking you from the game.

Error Code : -2147467261 (Invalid Pointer)

This usually means you were disconnected by someone. Other reasons are possible, but unknown to my knowledge.

Error Code : -2147287038 (Unknown error 0x80030002)

Unfortunately, it means your files are corrupted and you will have to re-download all the latest version parts.

If your client freezes after PIC and stays frozen, it means the map you're trying to log into has crashed, so you'll need to wait for the map to be reloaded or a server restart.

When it comes to programs that put a load,
On your computer/laptop/PC. Add that they should Ctrl + Alt + Delete. And with Windows XP,
That should start up the Task Manager. With Windows 7,
They have to click the Start Task Manager button on the start up background page.

Then go to the Processes tab and end task for anything they think they don't need.
For me, my browser takes up a shit load of space.
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Fuckin' Sexy Owner<3
Fuckin' Sexy Owner

Posts : 96
Join date : 2012-09-04

Error code meanings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Error code meanings   Error code meanings I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 04, 2012 11:07 pm

Ariadne. wrote:
Prodigy wrote:
After inputting your PIC for your character and you disconnect back into the Login Screen with a Error Pop-up that states;
You Have Been Disconnected From The Login Server.
Unable To Connect To Login Server.

This means two things.
1) You need to disable your loopback.

2) The server is lagging. So you need to wait for a server restart.

If you disconnect from the client that states;
You have been disconnected from the server. Try again later.

This usually means your internet cut off and you lost connection to the server.

If you're running iTunes or Skype, or preferably anything that puts a heavy load on your computer, it's blocking you from the game.

Error Code : -2147467261 (Invalid Pointer)

This usually means you were disconnected by someone. Other reasons are possible, but unknown to my knowledge.

Error Code : -2147287038 (Unknown error 0x80030002)

Unfortunately, it means your files are corrupted and you will have to re-download all the latest version parts.

If your client freezes after PIC and stays frozen, it means the map you're trying to log into has crashed, so you'll need to wait for the map to be reloaded or a server restart.

When it comes to programs that put a load,
On your computer/laptop/PC. Add that they should Ctrl + Alt + Delete. And with Windows XP,
That should start up the Task Manager. With Windows 7,
They have to click the Start Task Manager button on the start up background page.

Then go to the Processes tab and end task for anything they think they don't need.
For me, my browser takes up a shit load of space.

Everything will be edited and revised tomorrow Smile
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Posts : 39
Join date : 2012-09-04

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PostSubject: Re: Error code meanings   Error code meanings I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 05, 2012 8:09 am

Roka* Owner<3 wrote:
Ariadne. wrote:
Prodigy wrote:
After inputting your PIC for your character and you disconnect back into the Login Screen with a Error Pop-up that states;
You Have Been Disconnected From The Login Server.
Unable To Connect To Login Server.

This means two things.
1) You need to disable your loopback.

2) The server is lagging. So you need to wait for a server restart.

If you disconnect from the client that states;
You have been disconnected from the server. Try again later.

This usually means your internet cut off and you lost connection to the server.

If you're running iTunes or Skype, or preferably anything that puts a heavy load on your computer, it's blocking you from the game.

Error Code : -2147467261 (Invalid Pointer)

This usually means you were disconnected by someone. Other reasons are possible, but unknown to my knowledge.

Error Code : -2147287038 (Unknown error 0x80030002)

Unfortunately, it means your files are corrupted and you will have to re-download all the latest version parts.

If your client freezes after PIC and stays frozen, it means the map you're trying to log into has crashed, so you'll need to wait for the map to be reloaded or a server restart.

When it comes to programs that put a load,
On your computer/laptop/PC. Add that they should Ctrl + Alt + Delete. And with Windows XP,
That should start up the Task Manager. With Windows 7,
They have to click the Start Task Manager button on the start up background page.

Then go to the Processes tab and end task for anything they think they don't need.
For me, my browser takes up a shit load of space.

Everything will be edited and revised tomorrow Smile

Okay. It's just that for some people,
Playing a private server is a whole new experience.
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Posts : 30
Join date : 2012-10-03
Location : USA

Error code meanings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Error code meanings   Error code meanings I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 04, 2012 1:16 am

.. What do you do when you type in the pic, once you see the map, THe the game dc?
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PostSubject: Re: Error code meanings   Error code meanings I_icon_minitime

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