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The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 30, 2015 2:57 am by Legend

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The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 07, 2013 1:45 pm by Guest

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The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 07, 2013 9:00 am by Guest

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The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 07, 2013 7:34 am by Guest

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The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 03, 2013 8:55 pm by Guest

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The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 03, 2013 3:46 pm by Guest

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The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 11, 2012 10:00 pm by Legend

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The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 11, 2012 9:07 pm by 96dani

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The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 11, 2012 2:57 am by ๖ۣۜOmegą

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The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_vote_lcapThe longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_voting_barThe longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_vote_rcap 
The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_vote_lcapThe longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_voting_barThe longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_vote_rcap 
The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_vote_lcapThe longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_voting_barThe longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_vote_rcap 
The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_vote_lcapThe longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_voting_barThe longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_vote_rcap 
The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_vote_lcapThe longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_voting_barThe longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_vote_rcap 
The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_vote_lcapThe longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_voting_barThe longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_vote_rcap 
The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_vote_lcapThe longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_voting_barThe longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_vote_rcap 
The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_vote_lcapThe longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_voting_barThe longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_vote_rcap 
The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_vote_lcapThe longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_voting_barThe longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_vote_rcap 
The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_vote_lcapThe longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_voting_barThe longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_vote_rcap 
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 The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm

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The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm Empty
PostSubject: The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm   The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2012 11:53 pm

Hey guys, I'm Ryan. I'm pretty much your average gamer. I enjoy drawing and listening to dubstep, techno, etc.
I am currently pursuing a career as a computer technician, so feel free to direct any tech related questions to me Razz

Sorry I don't have much to say, introductions aren't really my thing. I prefer to jump in head first and then get to know everyone. Razz

Last edited by Indra on Sat Sep 29, 2012 6:29 pm; edited 2 times in total
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The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm Empty
PostSubject: Re: The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm   The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 29, 2012 1:53 am

Welcome to CrypticMS I'm Mike btw! Can't wait to see you in game when the we get a VPS Smile
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The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm Empty
PostSubject: Re: The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm   The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 01, 2012 2:01 am

Oh my god, a computer technician. I might have to keep you up all night, I have many java problems Embarassed , so maybe you can help me when you have time monkey
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The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm Empty
PostSubject: Re: The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm   The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 01, 2012 2:10 am

[2:19:02 PM] Ryan: what programming language does maple use?
[2:19:29 PM] Ryan: I might code if its one of the easier ones to learn, don't hold your breath though. o_O
[2:20:59 PM] Robby: Uhm Java I think
[2:21:32 PM] Ryan: i was hoping by some slim chance that it would be VB >_<
[2:21:44 PM | Edited 2:21:57 PM] Ryan: i actually know a bit of vb
[2:31:23 PM] Ryan: -looks at java
[2:31:29 PM] Ryan: -brain explodes
[2:31:35 PM] Ryan: xD

Yeah, I don't think you want me for Java...
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The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm Empty
PostSubject: Re: The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm   The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 07, 2012 11:48 am

dubstep ftw. c u in game
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PostSubject: Re: The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm   The longest introduction ever. :3 /sarcasm I_icon_minitime

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