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Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 30, 2015 2:57 am by Legend

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Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 03, 2013 3:46 pm by Guest

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Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 11, 2012 10:00 pm by Legend

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Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 11, 2012 9:07 pm by 96dani

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Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 11, 2012 2:57 am by ๖ۣۜOmegą

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Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_vote_lcapGuide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_voting_barGuide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_vote_rcap 
Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_vote_lcapGuide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_voting_barGuide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_vote_rcap 
Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_vote_lcapGuide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_voting_barGuide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_vote_rcap 
Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_vote_lcapGuide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_voting_barGuide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_vote_rcap 
Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_vote_lcapGuide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_voting_barGuide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_vote_rcap 
Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_vote_lcapGuide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_voting_barGuide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_vote_rcap 
Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_vote_lcapGuide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_voting_barGuide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_vote_rcap 
Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_vote_lcapGuide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_voting_barGuide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_vote_rcap 
Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_vote_lcapGuide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_voting_barGuide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_vote_rcap 
Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_vote_lcapGuide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_voting_barGuide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_vote_rcap 
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 Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever

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Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever Empty
PostSubject: Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever   Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 02, 2012 5:59 am

Private Severs are meant for players to have well mainly fun.

What could you do here ?

-Fast level gain , which this sever's rate is 800x faster than the normal maplestory (Global/Sea/Etc)

-Rebirth/s , After getting to level 200 , you can be reborn with the same stats as you previously had (AP) though you start at level one again , but getting more damage every time you rebirth-ed.

-MSI's After a certain number of rebirths and certain items , allowing you to make/get a Max Stat Item , a item that has max stats. Which really increases your damage to the max!

-NX (Cash) You dont need to spend real money to get NX(Cash) here , making yourself look well anyway you want.

-Item/s Getting items you could never get from the normal maplestory , you could get it here which is a lot easier.

-Friends who don't judge you on your level or what you wear , just for who you are.

Well there are many more things that i could elaborate but i think you just got what is a private sever.

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PostSubject: Re: Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever   Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 04, 2012 1:07 am

Lol, Good job bro, This will make the "New" people join Very Happy
U shud tell how you install one too, Because the first time i joined a private sever, I dident even know how to play or install it!
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Guide for anyone who does not know what is a private sever
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